Tuesday, September 12, 2017


"Not all have the luxury of life...Value it..."
Desperate Housewives
It was May 2014, I clearly remember because it was one month after I joined my new company in Dubai. It was a Monday morning around 8.30 my phone was continuously ringing since it was on silence I didn’t notice. When I reached office, I found 10 missed calls from my close friend Manav.  I immediately called back, without even waiting to finish the first ring he picked up and was crying. I asked Manav to stop and answer me what went wrong? He was still gasping for breath and his voice was breaking but I got a Deja vu that someone is dead…finally he found the courage and said to me Ricky committed SUICIDE, for a couple of seconds I couldn’t reply him. Finally, I said “it’s OK it happens cry as much as you want and trust he must be crying too for his stupid mistake”.  At the age of 24 Ricky Mathews did SUICIDE by consuming poison. Ricky and Manav were childhood friends and very emotionally attached. Suddenly Ricky’s life got over at his prime age. He hasn’t left any suicide note, neither anyone knows why he did it. But he is missing a lot of things, things which he hasn’t done…marriage, children, his achievements and seeing the beautiful world. His life got frozen forever but his memories are still alive. Still today Manav ask, “Why and what went wrong Ricky???”.

Today this topic came to limelight again when Karan Joseph the renowned Pianist leaped to death from 12th floor in Mumbai. He was rich and famous and was fine till he jumped out of the window suddenly without any reason. According to survey every 40 second one person commits suicide somewhere in the world. It’s the 10th most way of People dying and the most Interesting part is 79% of them are male. There is a death reported in every 20 suicide attempts. There are various reasons why people end their life, Depression, Family issues, Failure, Acceptance, Loneliness and some for the sake of game. The alarming fact is the highest no of suicides is among teen in the age group of 14-17. Sadly, INDIA ranks 6th in women and 22nd in men globally. India has different organisations state wise to help depressed and people with suicide tendency. But Sadly, nothing major is there from our Government to help people, like ONE NATIONAL HELPLINE NO to call for the entire country so the help reaches on time to the concerned person. Not just the National helpline but also assurance and awareness that they are trust worthy and secured. Awareness throughout the country and mandatory saving of National Helpline in every cell Phone.

We as society are partially responsible for some of it.  Bullying is one of the major cause of suicide among teens aged 14 to 18. We should understand that teenage is the most delicate and fragile time during our entire life. It’s the time when teens are confused with life, getting influenced with lot of ideas and trials. We tend to bully teens and call them names or mocking fun of them by pointing out there, gender, Colour or even body. LGBTQ teens are the biggest target groups here. We should understand that a life is more important than any amount of bullying we do. If you want, have fun at our own expense rather than someone. Bullying a person isn’t a joke but rather disrespectful to that Individual’s Personality.
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Family issues, Divorce among parents is also another reason for major suicides. I totally agree if two individuals who are married and decide to part ways to lead a happy life let it be. Then the first thing is to explain it to their children or rather take them for a counselling before they go ahead with it. If they aren’t happy about it give them time and take time too. Your children’s life is very important than a divorce paper. You still live your individual life and there will be a time when your children will understand it.

Break up’s is another situation where people have the tendency to end their life. Let’s face it we all are humans and break ups are disaster’s. It takes certain amount of time to get healed. But during these delicate times lets be around our friends to keep a tab on them or get diverted from the topic. Sooner or later you will move on and later you understand it was a good thing.

Depression is the mother of all causes for suicide. People get depressed for no reasons or with reasons like loneliness, failures, sickness etc. sometimes we don't even know that we are depressed but anytime we feel low let's not be ashamed to talk to someone. I suggest these guys need immediate counselling and they need to open up with their friends or a shrink. As Vivien Leigh Says in A Street Car named Desire “I’ve always depended on the kindness of strangers.” There are a lot of people who are in the same situation who help or be a comfort for each other. You can find your support there. Always keep in mind that life is too precious to lose. No Matter how much busy we are, if someone wants to talk to us always make that a priority.
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Honestly everyone has issues and nobody is perfect. Everyone act perfect in their life. What you see in social media is not what is in real. Everyone is trying hard to be in the perfect people race which was created by some unperfect person to show he is perfect. Trust me it’s all Bull.  We all live a pretentious society who wants to show other people that we are happy because we think they are happy. Everyone has issues and there should be issues so we could face them and become stronger in life. Life is gift and we shouldn’t disrespect our gift even its small or big, worth or unworthy. Let’s face it” our is life is messed up”, but there are a million things which is beautiful about it. Honestly suicide can affect your Family and friends for a Long term.

Let’s drop the pretentious life we have and be content with what we have in our life. Let’s live with our circumstances. We all are blessed with some thing or the other and let’s work on it. Let’s see dreams and try to achieve it. It may take time and we may fail a million times but trust me one day we will succeed. Take all those hatred and all those mocking words and use them as manure for your success. To everyone I must say what my friend Clifford Morris said every night before we sleep talk to GOD like a friend for 5 minutes. Say what all you feel. I tried it and it really helped me. We will never feel we are alone.
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We are strong enough to handle things on our own and come up in life. Even we have all support finally its we who decide to come out it and once you have done that, I call that the “REAL WIN”. It happens in a flip of a second and but you need to SNAP OUT OF IT.

    Life need not be Perfect, it needs to be "LIVED" XOXO


  1. Good man it'll inspire for more people, keep it up

  2. Good read but the only thing you didn't touch upon is sometimes you're not even aware that you're depressed. And sometimes there is no reason. But awareness is the key. Hopefully people will someday start understanding that in this fast paced life sometimes we need to slow down.

    1. Thanks for your point...I did mention about depression without a reason...but I wasn't aware that people are depressed but don't know about it. But yes awareness helps as well as we need to support them by asking them to get help and there is no shame on it.

  3. Thanks for sharing Varun and do Keep writing...✌

  4. Nice Article. Good references and very well narrated . Do keep writing love to read from you . Cheers .

  5. Good thought dear..Talking to GOD is the best way to face everythng in our worldly life..Wht all we are seeing now is only for our life in earth..Focus on our eternal life with our God..Then will get courage to face anythng..

  6. Really nice article mate. Next one should be about loneliness in one of the most crowded cities in the world. A major reason for depression is loneliness..thanks to all the pretentious freeloading cunts that surround you during good times. Bastards I swear!

  7. This is one of the worst things anyone can do is to give up their life. Good job bro i hope ppl learn and change their minds

  8. Good Job Gomzy , It indeed is a good read .Keep up the good work .

  9. Very well put why people commit suicide and how it's actually very much avoidable.
    Sharing personal experiences is never easy and yet you had the courage to write about it adds a lot of personal touch to the blog.

    Kudos, keep writing.
    Waiting for a next one.

    Much love

  10. Only if you were in the shoes of person who commits suicide you would know the pain and suffering. Those who commits suicide I call them brave and kudos. Instead of suffering everyday they live in peace. RIP to all who commit divide
