Saturday, September 16, 2017

“the UnSpOkEn”

“Sometimes words tear you down!...”

Screaming on top of her voice…Sara said “for the last time John I don’t know where is your cream color tie…John wasn’t angry, he calmly asked her. "Why you always shout Sara?" She said “John I have a million things to do before I go for work. You are never organised.”  John replied but “I love you”. Sara was furious she slammed the door and said, “GO TO HELL JOHN” and left for work. In office, she wasn’t concentrating. It wasn’t that she never loved John or he was not organized, it was just that stupid morning she had bit mood swings. Sara took a hot cup of coffee and started talking to Mary who was her close friend and confidante who was in the next cubicle. Softly she told “Mary I feel bad”. Mary turned and asked her for “what” …then she explained about the fight she had with John. Mary said “its OK, it’s just a matter of sorry. Just call him and say sorry”. That’s when Sara realized she hasn’t taken the phone. She decided to say sorry when she meets him in the evening. As the day progressed Sara was busy with work. She waved bye bye to Mary and went home to meet john. She got some flowers and chocolates too. Around 1800 hours she reached home and was waiting for John to come so she can hug him and say “ I love you too”.

As she was waiting she dozed off on the couch. When she woke up it was around 2045 hours. She was wondering why john is getting delayed and why hasn’t he called. That’s when she remembered about the phone. When she took it to dial John she found 30 Missed calls. It was from Michael John’s Close friend and few from John. Worried, panicked and confused Sara called him immediately. The call was attended by Michael’s wife Christina. She said, “Sara we were trying to reach you from evening”. John is admitted in the hospital, Nothing serious though. She took the car and was driving crazy to reach St. Bernard’s Hospital as fast as she can. All memories were flashing through her mind...Like the time he use to sing Starship song "SARA" to her...

She reached the Hospital Emergency ward and found Michael and Christina standing out.  Sara was crying badly…Christina was comforting her saying “Nothing to worry”. All she wanted was to see John and say, “Sorry and Love you”. Just then the doctor came and said a closest relative can go inside. Sara grabbed the opportunity, with all courage she went inside. John was in life support and covered with blood and Bandages. It was way too difficult to see once a very happy man, in that stage. With a broken voice, she said “John I am sorry and I love you. Don’t leave me. Please come back”.  As The Fray Song says she found him late...

That’s the last time Sara saw John alive. He passed away that night. Even though Sara told him John that she was sorry and she loved him the most. She wasn’t sure that he heard it. She had a million good things to say about John, a thousand times when she wanted to thank him, a thousand times when she wanted to say 'man you are wonderful and I love you', she never said that and she never will. She lost the opportunity forever. She cursed herself for that. But no matter what john won’t hear her anymore and its forever. We all have had our “Sara moments” where things are said out of anger and ego, but do we ever think will that be the last spoken words of ours to them. The inappropriate words we said to them will haunt for us for rest of our life.

There are moments in our life we do get angry on our dear and near ones. We know that it’s not a big issue. These things are bound to happen in any sort of relationship. But it is not bigger than our love for the person.  It’s tough to control our emotions but we need to control it. We don’t want to have those times when words can’t be taken back. Once we say things out of  bad mood, jealousy, EGO and out of anger, Just try to apologies immediately. There is nothing to lose when we say sorry. It just shows that we love and respect that person. EGO and ANGRY can only make our life miserable.

When we are forgiving a person, even if he doesn’t say sorry it doesn’t mean we are small. It shows we have a big heart and we value the person more than our ego. We are Humans and tend to have emotions running out in many forms. There could be many times we must have lost of our friends and family just because of our unwanted and pointless EGO. But as time passes we realize that It was a stupid thing to do.  We are missing those times which could have been of happiness, laughter and memories, those times which won’t be there. Let’s choose words carefully and wisely. Let’s make sure our EGO doesn’t take the power. Our cursing words shouldn’t what anyone should hear for the last time.

Today the most haunted time for Sara will be the time that dreadful morning where she was angry to John. The words which she said to him will Haunt her for rest of her life. All she could wish now was to go back in time and change it as the CHER Song says.


"Death is something we can’t stop. But words can be"…lets focus on having the last words of love to our near and dear ones whom we love unconditionally, because we don’t know what is in store for them or for us. Let the "UNSPOKEN BE SPOKEN, LET LOVE AND ONLY LOVE REMAIN”.Remember the moment, word and time cant be retrieved,

We all deserve a lovely ending. XOXO


  1. This is becoming more and more interesting every episode...

  2. Hey absolutely stunning, I have been through such an incident and this blog has got everything that I regret.
    Very simply put with perfect words.
    We need to be more loving and understanding.
    There are moments when we slip but I hope nobody has to go through this in their lives ever; this is the worst feeling in the world.

    Your blogs look like you have picked up certain pieces of my life and just penned them down.

    I thought I was the one having a difficult time, guess not.
    There are so many people who go through such things...
    The beat part being you are voicing our problems and I hope the readers remember them in their daily life, to prevent anything like this from happening ever.

    Much love to you :)

  3. Well said... 👆🏼remarkable ... striking...!
    I wish people could drink their words and realize how bitter they taste... isn't it...? After reading this... I felt that every common man would have come across this type of similar situation in their life...

    I think sorry is just another way of saying.. u are more important than my ego....

  4. the way u r writing..continue ...

  5. My grand father and i was very close....once when i was on vacation i visited him and we just gor into a small fight and normally we have a drink together but cause of the small fight i couldnt do that and i left the country soon after my vacation...the second day i joind work after vacation i get the newes that he passed away...
    Its still a pain in my heart...
    So stupid and immature of me to the things that I did
